The NRG - Live '94


My friends and I have an ongoing private joke where we (non-musicians for the most part so no chance of it ever happening) would set up a band/electronic act one day, that doesn’t really exist.

We already have the name, branding and who gets to play lead singer (it’s not me, unfortunately). We would make a fake website, and ACE the social media game, sell fake merch etc etc. We were only half-serious, I guess (right guys?) as it sounds either crazy, or like people with too much time on their hands, or both… very possible given the world today.

Well now someone beat us to the punch and has done so in spectacular style. The minor difference, however, is that these (guys/gals) are evidently, actually musicians and have created a rather lovely album, despite the fact that the story, gigs, flyers, tickets etc surrounding it is, apparently all made up.

In what is maybe a dig at today’s social-media-driven hyperbole, or just a fun way to present music The NRG are a forgotten electronic music act from the 90’s that play ‘Stadium Ambient’. And yes, you’re probably already getting the KLF vibes if that term, color pallete and name didn’t already push it over the edge.

The concept is pretty amazing, but so is the music. You can compare it to The KLF’s Chill Out of course, but it definitely leans more towards The KLF’s more upbeat music in energy and rave nostalgia, despite some very glaring references to the OG Chill Out album (Pedal Steel anyone?)

You all know how much I love that album (I put together a whole new reinterpreted mix for it) and I’m sat here wishing these old geezers from Sheffield (or whoever they are!) would have approached me to release this superb album. It would have been as magical as the thoughts in Jimmy’s head and two steps towards completing some kind of imaginary trifecta one day (it has to be a pyramid right?)… The KLF Reinterpreted Mix [CHECK]… The KLF Reinterpreted album…[CHECK]…

Now I sound like a loony.

Live ‘94 is available on Bandcamp

And you should definitely check out the website for this release.